Student Inductions 2012 - Do you like my shoes?

Michael Porter - Do you like my shoes? Unfortunately most of the students in my student induction sessions chose option 3, 'I don't really care' :( Luckily this is only our ice breaker question to firstly let students use the clickers and secondly to get across the informality of the session. We adopt the use of TurningPoint clickers in our student induction sessions, with the main focus being on letting the students steer the session to what they want to talk about.. yes there is an underlying motive of gathering data about social network use and students technical capabilities. We have shifted what we talk about into two sections, the institutionally owned software (VLE, E-Portfolio) and the individually owned software which consists of Twitter, Diigo, Mahara, Google Docs. For the institutionally owned software we run through the usual support protocols for each service and a quick demo of login procedures, we also talk about what ...