
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Möbius strip of feedback.

gfpeck - I've taken some time to look into one of the teaching and learning agendas being driven here at my institution. Feedback. I was advised as a starter to read David Nicol and Debra MacFarlane-Dick's (2004) 'Rethinking Formative Assessment in HE: a theoretical model and seven principles of good feedback practice'. This wasn't a massive read but had some very pertinent points about how the general thrust of how feedback should be thought about and articulated. I think one of the points I picked up more quickly than the others due to the work I've done on being a reflective learner was Nicol and MacFarlane-Dick's first principle, 1. Facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning. I think this entails more than just reflection though, it lays a pathway to progress further down the principles and provide more than the normal lines of feedback, the 'This isn't very good' and abruptly s...

Mahara Upgrade Complete - How did it go?

Marc Thiele - Well today saw me up early putting our Mahara e-Portfolio Service into maintenance mode so users couldn't login during the upgrade, 00:03 to be precise. The upgrade went well, I monitored the site from 7:30 and the site was fully working by 8:50am. Several double espressos later and I'm pleased to say all went well apart from a couple of issues I'll report on in my project documentation, one being the hosting solution put back our upgrade day very close to the initial deadline! I'll add this as an additional risk in any future project planning with Mahara and plan accordingly. One slight niggle I had was when I came in this morning to upgrade, it was in full swing open to the world, my early morning switching of the maintenance mode was in vain. This was out of our control but still something to note when requesting any work in the future. Apart from that, I'm pleased the whole process was, well documented, everyone ha...

It's starting to get late, I'm going Chrome.

Dig Lit - David Mullett After my cloud epiphany, I've gradually bumped across most of my daily processes to Google, I've actually started to use Gmail as my personal/career email after years of having my own domain name and looking after my own mail accounts. All my personal, work documents and elements are in Drive and all my photos are in G+. It became quite clear recently that I didn't really use any proprietary software at all, not tied to any particular OS or hardware, ok apart from the exception of iMovie on my Mac Mini, however it was this clarity that made me realise maybe owning an iPad and iPhone wasn't particularly effective any more. A quick look back at the last 10 opened apps on both devices solidified my trail of thought, Google Drive, Picasaweb, Chrome, Messages, Phone, BBC News etc etc Nothing that was iOS centric. Would it not make more sense to use a Chromebook and Android phone instead? Yes, it would make more sense, a lot more sense. H...