43% Completion - Take that average MOOC completion stat.

Julian Walker Well, as my first dive into facilitating an online course that I created goes, I don't think it went too badly at all :D 30 Students signed up to my 'e-Portfolios for the reflective learner' course which ran in our Mahara system. 13 of which ended up completing the course and submitting a brilliant array of portfolios to the course group. The course it self was split into the following areas or pages: Introduction Task 1 - Introduction to reflective learning Task 2 - Reflect on VARK results Task 3 - Identify on a subject of your choice and reflect on it Task 4 - Create a plan Task 5 - Create an e-portfolio page Task 6 - Reflect on using Mahara - Submission Where next? You can get the gist of the course structure above, pulling the students into the course with the why's and selling of e-portfolios and reflective practice in general before light touch tasks getting the students to actually try out these tools. At the end of the course, ...