LEGO - Why so serious?

It's a bit weird saying LEGO Serious Play, a little oxymoronic no? LEGO by it's very roots is all about not being so serious, so when I was invited to a 'LEGO Serious Play Facilitation Workshop', I had my doubts. LEGO Serious Play is all about getting individuals to express themselves and their thoughts through their hands using the medium of little LEGO blocks. Building on Piaget and Papert's constructivist approach to learning it's supposed to help eek out our creative and metaphorical sides by getting us to move away from building literal factual 'things' (A desk to represent your desk at work) to building 'things' with meaning (A cloud to represent thinking, thanks +Aaron Burrell ;) ). Leaning towards being a kinesthetic learner, I was keen to see what LSP could offer. +Andy Priestner was our facilitator for the day, he wasn't just demonstrating LSP, Andy was there to help guide us on how to facilitate our own events...