Become like water my friend.

Check out the quote below from the late Bruce Lee: “The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.” - Bruce Lee Bruce Lee in 1946 - Unknown It encompasses what I have been thinking about with regards to my course observations and what I have learnt so far about teaching methods, session plans, activity structure etc My train of thought has been building over the last few weeks as I've been inundated with methods and strategies, Vygotsky, Laurillard, Collis and Kolb etc It's mounted to a single question I was asked to come up with to ask a guest speaker for a webinar this morning. The question was this - 'Do you think that there is too much emphasis on teaching methods and strategies and not enough around the skills needed to read both learner and environment then to subsequently adapt?' Due ...