
Showing posts from October, 2015

Ghost in the mirror.

Nothing particularly ghostly or paranormal about this blog post, it's more a nod to the lack of reflection. Yes, it has really been that long since I have blogged anything, that's not to say there hasn't be anything worth while to blog about! It has purely been the lack of head space and time to articulate my thoughts into something I feel comfortable posting about. More fluctuations are coming but the with those comes more of an opportunity to position myself more within this reflective space. Of which I'll probably blog about.. I'm pretty sure I will.. It has been a rather turbulent year one way or another for myself and I have amassed a rather extensive list of things I wish to reflect on, however I'm seriously contemplating starting a fresh or I'll forever be in this perpetual state of "I must remember to post about...". It all hinges on myself getting my head back into the blogging space and simply get into a habit of blogging when I thi...