Diigo - A couple of links

Forest Wander - http://flic.kr/p/avDP2c

A small journey took place yesterday.. I normally check out Campus Technology on a regular basis, just to see what's floating around the state side of learning technology. US universities are massive in comparison to our local network ones so it's nice to see what emerging technologies are being used in well funded unis straight from the ole valley of silicon, to give maybe an insight as to what's to come or to keep a watchful eye out for.

I did however want to find a nice UK based LT news site, after some random googling I came across the JISC CETIS Assistant Director's work blog, within a few minutes I had Diigo'd a couple of links. What technologies have been used to transform curriculum delivery? - I found this a particularly easy read, I didn't have to read through pages and pages of overhyped buzzwords to find out what the point of the article was. The use of IBM's ManyEyes widgets to display the data in an easily readable fashion is indeed a bonus to the reader. 

Google Apps for Education UK User Group - Ok, I must confess I mainly linked this in our teams Diigo group so the next time this comes around I can push to go and get some Google goodies!! The other side being that our team does have a genuine interest in the whole cloud based/open source culture which seems to be breathing down the neck of education. And with good reason to, with the current state of the economy coupled with budget cuts a lot of institutions (including our own) are starting to come out from the depths of never ending server racks and expensive aircon units to take a peek at what wider open communities have to offer. I will be posting at a later date a bit more about the cloud/open based jobbie, but for now.. props to Shelia Macneil, I will be returning to your blog! 

It may not be the official learning technology news site I was after but a great resource none the less.


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