Re-worked Student Induction 2013

AJ Cann -
Just finished the first of our student inductions for 2013/2014, It wasn't the biggest one we've had, four students to be precise. However our new reworked structure seemed to go down well. The slides have been tidied up and we more clearer define the differences between the intranet/VLE/e-portfolio.

We have also started emphasising the importantance of reflective journaling and the use of e-portfolios, promoting our institution provided Mahara installation. When given the usual choice of what the presenter should focus on next our friend Twitter reigned supreme again with a joint 2nd going to Diigo and Goodle Drive. After going through the motions I asked the students a new question we have in there, asking if they will take any further action or investigate what we have talked about. 
100% Yes was the answer from the students, which is nice to see.

Still a bit of tweaking to do and maybe throw in some more interactive clicker questions. I'd also like to note that this was the first 100% for the "Do you like my shoes?" question, over the moon.


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