
Showing posts from January, 2015

2015 - Posts posts posts.

I can't stay long here as I have an assignment to do for my PgC in Academic Practice course I'm trundling through at the moment. Just wanted to post with a little list of potential blog posts coming in the near future, probably after February when this assignment is done :) I tend to think about subjects I'd like to blog about, make notes, then never blog so maybe if I blog a list here, it might spur me on to actually write them! Here we go: Experiential Learning - As nature intended Skills not Tools Technology changes overnight - Deal with it. Paperrater Mahara Community of practice Observing the learning wavefunction These probably will not be the titles as I tend to try and be a bit more creative through the use of metaphor with my titles and conclusions. Fingers crossed I get some of these out as I've got some nice ideas I'd like to extract from this noggin of mine, a bit like Dumbledore's Pensieve!